Rite Rug Turns 80

riterug-flooringcompanyRite Rug has been around since 1934. The cost of gas was 10 cents. Hank Aaron and Sophia Loren were both born that year, during the Great Depression.

When Rite Rug began in 1934, founded by Duke Goldberg and his brother Stanley, residential carpet was almost nonexistent; you might see a small to medium sized rug in a sitting room. By the time 1960 rolled around, it dominated the flooring scene and has been going strong ever since. Of course, colors have come a long way. Puke green and radioactive orange are mostly a thing of the past. Today, we offer a wide range of colors that will fit any home or style you desire.

As the website says, Rite Rug keeps its customers well covered, both literally and figuratively!

Rite Rug prides itself on quality, value, and selection, and can help you find the perfect carpet to match your home. Today, the company has stores across the Eastern United States. At all of its locations, Rite Rug offers carpet, wood, hardwood, laminate, and tile. Commercial flooring is available as well as residential.

In addition to installation, Rite Rug also offers carpet and upholstery cleaning, hardwood refinishing, and window treatments. Our website also has information about what you can expect of your floor treatment after installation and tips about how to care for your new floor.

For more information, call Rite Rug today at 1-888-Rite-Rug. A representative can answer any questions you have about our services and provide additional financing data.